"Biomass our energetic future"


Leaflet issued on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the future „Biomass logistics centre", to be built in Kysucký Lieskovec.

Articles In press

Information about the opening conference on the Biomass logistics centre published on the webpage of Norwegian embassy.

Information on start of the project Biomass logistics center on news portals teraz.sk, sme.sknews.sk, pozri.sk.

Article on the seminar "The future use of local renewable energy sources" published in the press agency of the Slovak Republic.

Article on the seminar "The future use of local renewable energy sources" published on the webpage of Norwegian embassy.

Information on the Closing conference and formal opening of the "Biomass Logistic Centre" on pdfnews portals.


Reports on TV

Short report on the launch of the project Biomass logistics center broadcasted in TV SEVERKA entitled "Biofuels will be accessible".

Report on the seminar "The future use of local renewable energy sources" broadcasted in TV SEVERKA entitled "Experience and money give us Norwegians".

Report on the Closing conference and formal opening of the "Biomass Logistic Centre" broadcasted in regional TV ORAVIA entitled "The first slovak biomass logistic centre". This report was also broadcasted in regional TV - KARPATY and TV Bratislava

Report on the Closing conference and formal opening of the "Biomass Logistic Centre" broadcasted in slovak television in headline news  entitled "Biomass logistic centre in Kysucky Lieskovec" (starts from 32nd minute).