Wood pellets are renewable, sustainable, cost-effective and user-friendly heating source for both residential and industrial heat and energy needs.

BIOMASS LOGISTIC CENTRE covers the entire wood biomass biofuels supply chain in Slovakia - either the production and distribution of wood raw material or production and distribution of wood biofuels (pellets, briquettes, dry wood chips). However the most important trading product are wood pellets in premium quality guaranteed by ENplus A1 certification.

What are wood pellets?

Wood pellets are a refined and densified biomass fuel that is formed when wood wastes are compressed into a uniform diameter under high pressure. Wood pellets have a uniform shape, size and density and are ideal for automatic combustion heating systems such as pellet stoves and boilers. By pelletizing wood wastes from sustainably harvested biomass and quality waste wood, millions of tons of biomass can be put to work for the local economy while at the same time preserving the environment. 

Benefits of wood pellets

There are numerous of benefits achieved by utilizing pellet fuel, including economical and environmental. Pellet fuel is utilized in a varied settings and applications, such as home heating appliances and large scale boilers in commercial operations. In short, pellet fuel is a way to divert millions of tons of waste from landfills and turn it into energy.  

Wood pelelts are: 

Efficient - wood pellets are an efficient source of heat because they contain very low levels of moisture and ash, when comapred to woodchips or cordwood. Virtually all of the material is burned and converted to heat.

Cost - effective - wood pellets are economically competitive with home fossil fuel options and electric heat. Relative to other home heating alternatives, pellet fuel price is less voaltile. 

Convenient - Bags of pellets are easy to store. Bags of pellets pour directly into a stove hopper, and ragulating the rate at which the fuel flows into the hopper is easy given the small, uniform size of pellets. 

Environmentallly responsible - wood pellets are a sustainable fuel source, and burbning pellets is carbon neutral. It is 100% natural product with no binders, chemicals or additives. 

Renewable - Wood pellets are a biomass product made of wood waste and support sustainable forest parctices.

Locally produced - wood pellets mills provide jobs, support local economies and can lead to energy independance. 


Why not simply burn raw biomass?

First, the moisture content of pellets is substantially lower (4% to 8% water - compared to 20% to 60% for raw biomass). Less moisture means higher BTU value and easier handling especially in freezing situations with green raw materials. Second, the density of pellet fuel is substantially higher than raw biomass (40 lbs. per cubic foot verses 10-25lbs. per cubic foot in raw material form). More fuel can be transported in a given truck space, and more energy can be stored at your site. Third, pellets are more easily and predictably handled. Their unifotm size allows for a smaller and simpler feed system taht redices costs. THis high density and uniform shape can be stored in standard silos, transported in rail cars and deliverd in truck containers.