Invitation excursion_2016_ENDuring 16th and 17th of March 2016 company BIOPEL, a. s. organized the special event - excursions prepared for Slovak as well as foreign students visiting Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and Technical University in Zvolen. For students and their teachers several presentations focused on the potential of waste biomass processing and its energy efficiency were prepared.


In the following the students had the exclusive opportunity to see the construction of Biomass Logistic Centre in Kysucky Lieskovec. After the excursion students had opportunity to visit wood pellets production line in BIOMASA in Kysucký Lieskovec. Excursion makes clear how waste biomass is being processed into the ecological heating fuel – wood pellets, meeting the exacting European standards.

Exkurzia 04On Wednesday 16th of March 62 students from Technical University in Zvolen and 38 students from Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava visited Kysucky Lieskovec. The Event was officially opened by General Director of the BIOMASA Association Ladislav Zidek. After that Association BIOMASA presented lectures on the activities of BIOMASA. They presented their successful projects, waste biomass processing, wood pellets production and effective operation of biomass boilers. Company BIOPEL presented special lecture on Effective use of biofuels and especially project “Biomass logistic centre” was promoted, focused on wood waste purchasing as well as biofuel processing and trading.

Exkurzia 16On Thursday 17th of March2016 20 foreign students from Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava visited this special event. Companies BIOPEL and BIOMASA presented these interesting lectures again. The lectures underlined that Slovakia‘s main potential for RES is processing of biomass but not only for production of energy but also for heating. After the excursion students had opportunity to see the construction of Biomass Logistic Centre as well as production line of wood pellets. The students were interested in processing of biomass, production of wood pellets and their conveniences.

In the end students filled in questionnaires distributed in the frame of the project “Biomass logistic centre”. These questionnaires shall appreciate increase of their awareness in the field of renewable energy sources.
This event makes clear how important the protection of the environment is and what improvements – for nature itself but also for human health – can be achieved by that.
