Energy is an integral part of our daily lives, and we rely on it to power our homes, transport, and industries. Heating and cooling our homes and offices are essential energy-consuming activities that we rely on and spent our money on daily. 

In the begining of April more than 70 secondary school students from Zilina region visited Biomass Logistic Centre aimed to be practically educated about air quality and air pollution in the region as well as about the renewable energy use for heating. The students were engaged to make sustainable and smart decisions in this area to protect our health and environment. 

Presentation regarding Biomass Logistic Centre supply chain for wood biofuels was a part of the event taking place in the showroom of wood biofuels and heating technology. The students were invited to excursion to the wood pellets production line after the presentations. The students were surprised how much wood waste from the region could be processed to produce ecological heating source for both residential and industrial heat and energy needs.
