
BIOMASA has completed a study trip to Norway to present a successful long-standing cooperation with Norwegian partners, as well as looking for new potential partners in the new 2014-2021 Financial Mechanism Program. Five BIOMASA representatives participated in the tours and attended several meetings and meetings throughout the week.


DSC07688 Audience by Ambasador of Slovak Republic in Norway – Mr. Frantisek Kasicky (third from left hand) with his colleagues

The study trip lasted for a whole week, and during the week, BIOMASA representatives met with a rich program to acquire new potential partners and information on the preparation of the new 2014-2021 program of the EEA Financial Program.


With owner and supporter of the actions Energigården Senter for Bioenergi - Mr. Eric Hohle

The first visit of the participants was at Energigården Senter for Bioenergi, located on the Eidsalm farm, which is located in the beautiful surroundings of the Brandbukampen volcano, surrounded by fertile soil and with wide views of the Randsfjorden.

BIOMASA representatives had the opportunity to see demonstration units for biomass and solar energy processing, which are focused on the production and use of biofuels for transport, biomass and solar energy heating, forest and agricultural activities, and a research and testing area. Subsequently, Mrs. Wimmerova together with Mr. Zidek presented the activities of BIOMASA and in particular the planned activities in the area of biomass and solar energy use for mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

In the discussion of the present, they sought the possibilities of mutual cooperation and clearly agreed on mutual cooperation, where BIOMASA can draw on the experience in this area. At the end of the meeting, Mr. Zidek invited the attendees to a meeting in the emerging Bioclimatic Park Drienova, where he will continue to negotiate and prepare new projects.

A working meeting was held afternoon with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic in the Kingdom of Norway and representatives of the embassy office to discuss the issues of past cooperation and activities for the future. Mr. Zidek presented the upcoming project to find new potential partners in Norway. The Ambassador appreciated the excellent results and reputation of both organizations BIOMASA and BIOPEL and he promised to be available, if necessary, with his colleagues in the embassy.

20170816 094716On Wednesday morning, a meeting was held with representatives of Innovation Norway. Masters Tore Lasse By and Øyvind Halvorsen also took a look at the BIOMASA activities in Norway as part of their Study Trip. The participants discussed in detail about evaluation of the program EEA grants for the period 2009 – 2014 and also about the preparation of the new period (2014 – 2021).

Meeting with Mr. Tore Lasse By and Mr. Øyvind Halvorsen from Innovation Norway

 A visit to the Langedrag Nature Park near the mountain town of Tunhovd was another activity tour. The park is located about 200 km northwest of Oslo at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. Langedrag is a natural park with approximately 300 different animals of 20 different species. As a farm has produced own food products from the operation, school camps are organized where children from all over Norway come to spend a week, learn about animals and nature as well as a traditional Norwegian farm. BIOMASA is planning activities in the emerging Bioclimatic Park Drienova to involve pupils and students, as well as a broad, lay and professional public in practical demonstrations of life in nature. The aim is to educate and inform through practical examples, works on the park about the adaptation and mitigation of climate changes.

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Nature Park Langedrag

In conclusion of the tour, before going to Schwechat, the participants appreciated that the Study tour to Norwayas well as agreed that new projects need to be worked intensively and in particular to be in contact with potential partners and to prepare for a new program period of the EEA grant program.